Executive Coaching and Mentoring

  • Executive Coaching

    While Executive Coaching addresses many topics, primarily it is about change. It is about developing emotional intelligence and conscious awareness that leads to action. Executive Coaching is a leadership behavior that lies at the opposite end of the spectrum to command and control, and in effect addresses the whole person, not just “the role” and work issues. Each client in the coaching alliance creates and holds the agenda, making every alliance uniquely designed to serve only the success of the client. The coaching process is diverse and expansive. It can cover a breadth of issues, such as dealing with the immediate obstacles that are preventing growth, personal communication and impact, as well as building the vision and plan against a life’s dream and goals. Each client creates the goals they want in their life, and the coach will challenge the client further than the client would normally challenge themself. At Muñoz & Company, the underlying purpose of our Executive Coaching is to produce a stronger, more resourceful, accountable, responsible, self-empowered, and confident leader who is capable of self-directed change.

  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a relationship based on mutual trust and respect between the client and the mentor with the goal of professional and personal development. The Muñoz & Company mentor is an experienced individual who shares knowledge, experience, and advice with the client. The mentor becomes a trusted adviser and role model – a person who has "been there" and "done that." Muñoz & Company supports and encourages our clients by offering suggestions and knowledge, both general and specific. Our mentoring mission is to help our clients improve their skills and advance their careers.